The Java Apache Project

Apache JServ Bug Report

Before submitting a problem report, please check the following places to see if your problem has already been dealt with or discussed. For small problems such as typos or obsolete information, please contact the mail lists directly.

Please also be aware that you may get a curt and unsatisfying response (if you get a response at all) when you report problems that have already been covered in one of the above. The developers do not have time to answer the same question again and again so please, search the FAQ (see above) and the before you enter this report. Please be aware that the Apache problem report database is publicly accessible. The information you submit on this form will be available to anyone on the Internet so do not send information that you wish to remain private.

A question about configuration (including errors), servlet execution, or an error about the JVM crashing is not a bug, please do not submit a bug report. Instead, please subscribe to the Java Apache Users mailing list and ask your questions there.

Copyright (c) 1997-99 The Java Apache Project.
$Id: sendbug.html,v 1.13 2000/05/11 19:44:59 admin Exp $
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