Package oracle.soap.server

Interface Summary
AutonomousProvider AutonomousProvider extends the Provider interface for a provider that defines its own services.
Handler Handler defines the interface for a pluggable handler in the SOAP server.
Provider Provider defines the capabilities that must be supported for each type of service provider, such as Java class, stored procedure, or EJB.
ProviderManager Provider Manager defines the interface to manage providers.
ServiceManager Service Manager defines the interface to manage services.

Class Summary
ContainerContext ContainerContext defines the context of the container in which the SOAP server is running.
Logger Logger defines the capabilities that must be supported by a logger implementation.
ProviderDeploymentDescriptor ProviderDeploymentDescriptor defines the deployment information for a specific provider.
RequestContext RequestContext defines all of the context for a SOAP request, including information that is passed to the provider and information that the provider must set before returning.
ServiceDeploymentDescriptor ServiceDeploymentDescriptor defines the deployment information for a SOAP service, independent of its provider type.
SOAPServerContext SOAPServerContext defines the context of the SOAP server that is independent of the type of container in which the server is running.
UserContext UserContext defines the user context for a SOAP service request.

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