Uses of Interface

Packages that use Deserializer

Uses of Deserializer in org.apache.soap.encoding.literalxml

Classes in org.apache.soap.encoding.literalxml that implement Deserializer
 class XMLParameterSerializer
          An XMLParameterSerializer is used to serialize and deserialize parameters using the literal xml encoding style.

Uses of Deserializer in org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc

Classes in org.apache.soap.encoding.soapenc that implement Deserializer
 class ArraySerializer
          A ArraySerializer can be used to serialize and deserialize arrays using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.
 class Base64Serializer
          A Base64Serializer is used to serialize and deserialize byte arrays using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.
 class BeanSerializer
          A BeanSerializer can be used to serialize and deserialize JavaBeans using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.
 class MapSerializer
          A MapSerializer can be used to serialize and deserialize Hashtables using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.
 class ParameterSerializer
          A ParameterSerializer is used to serialize and deserialize parameters using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.
 class QNameSerializer
          A QNameSerializer serializes a QName as follows: ns:QNameLocalPart
 class VectorSerializer
          A VectorSerializer can be used to serialize (but not deserialize) Vectors and Enumerations using the SOAP-ENC encoding style.

Uses of Deserializer in org.apache.soap.util.xml

Methods in org.apache.soap.util.xml that return Deserializer
 Deserializer XMLJavaMappingRegistry.queryDeserializer(QName elementType, java.lang.String encodingStyleURI)

Methods in org.apache.soap.util.xml with parameters of type Deserializer
 void XMLJavaMappingRegistry.mapTypes(java.lang.String encodingStyleURI, QName elementType, java.lang.Class javaType, Serializer s, Deserializer ds)

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